Unity Bands are not just paracord bracelets, but bracelets for a cause. For each Unity Band sold we will donate 20% to one of the amazing causes below. To learn more about the causes we support, and the 501(c)3 Non Profit Organizations we donate to just click one of the buttons below, or scroll down the page to see each cause.
Breast Cancer
We Support The National Breast Cancer Society.

National Breast Cancer Society. Hope Is Now.
The National Breast Cancer Society is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that battles breast cancer through education, mammograms, and early detection. When you donate to the National Breast Cancer Society you are providing women with mammograms that would others not be able to afford one. This early detection, and education of breast cancer, therefore is a very important part for women to understand their options when it comes to breast cancer.
Courageous, Bold & Passionate. Bracelets For A Cause.
Pink, and Black Breast Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Pink Ribbon
Pink, and White Breast Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Pink Ribbon
Soft Pink, and Black Breast Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Soft Pink Ribbon
Soft Pink, and White Breast Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Soft Pink Ribbon
Military Support
We Support The USO.

The USO. Support For Soldiers, And Their Families.
The USO is a 501(c)3 Non Profit organization that supports soldiers, and military families through every step of their service. The USO helps soldiers from deployment, to rehabilitation, and reintegration into civilian life. This great organization also sends care packages to soldiers over seas, provides USO centers for soldiers to take advantage of, and does so much more for our military, and their families.
Support, Freedom & Love. Bracelets For A Cause.
OD Green Military Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Yellow Ribbon
OD Green, OD Green, and OD Green & White Camouflage Military Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Yellow Ribbon
OD Green, Desert Sand Foliage Camouflage, and OD Green Military Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Yellow Ribbon
Multicam Camouflage Military Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Yellow Ribbon
Alzheimer’s Disease
We Support The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund.

Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. Quest For A Cure.
The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that funds research to prevent, slow, and reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. This amazing organization provides resources, education, and support for families touched by Alzheimer’s. To date Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has donated more than $45,000,000 in research to produce a cure for Alzheimer’s.
Lifetime, Family & Memories. Bracelets For A Cause.
Black, Soft Pink, and White Alzheimer’s Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Purple Ribbon
Purple, and Black Alzheimer’s Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Purple Ribbon
Purple, and White Alzheimer’s Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Purple Ribbon
Purple, and Grey Alzheimer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Purple Ribbon
We Support The Luekemia and Lymphoma Society.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Someday Is Today.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that strives to cure Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, and Myeloma, and improve the quality of life to patients/families touched by these diseases. Through research, patient education/support, and ensuring access to treatment centers the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society does amazing things to help those effected by Leukemia.
Quality, Life & Happiness. Bracelets For A Cause.
Black, Navy Blue, and White Luekemia Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Orange Ribbon
Orange, and Black Leukemia Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Orange Ribbon
Orange, and Grey Leukemia Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Orange Ribbon
Orange, and White Leukemia Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Orange Ribbon
We Support Free 2 Luv.

Free 2 Luv. Bullying Is Not Tolerated, & Love Rocks.
Free 2 Luv is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that is dedicated to spreading individuality, and equality by standing up to bullies through arts and entertainment. This amazing program empowers our youth to be their true, and authentic selves by making them understand they are perfect the way they are, giving them strength and courage to take on the many challenges of life.
Righteous, Loving & Compassionate. Bracelets For A Cause.
Navy Blue, White, and Yellow Anti-Bullying Paracord Bracelet w/ Blue Ribbon
Blue, and White Anti-Bullying Paracord Bracelet w/ Blue Ribbon
Blue, and Black Anti-Bullying Paracord Bracelet w/ Blue Ribbon
Blue, and Grey Anti Bullying Paracord Bracelet w/ Blue Ribbon
Heart Disease
We Support The American Heart Association.

American Heart Association. Life Is Why.
The American Heart Association is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that is dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. With over 22.5 million volunteers, and supporters, The American Heart Association provides education, and science backed treatment guidelines to healthcare professionals to help them provide quality of life to their patients. Founded in 1924, The American Heart Association has helped many in their fight against heart disease.
Dedication, Health & Family. Bracelets For A Cause.
Red, and Black Heart Disease Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Red Ribbon
Grey, Black, and Tarheel Blue Heart Disease Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Red Ribbon
Red, and White Heart Disease Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Red Ribbon
Purple, and Red Heart Disease Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Red Ribbon
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
We Support Pets For Vets.

Pets For Vets. Healing Vets & Saving Pets.
Pets For Vets is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that helps veterans battling PTSD by providing them with a companion animal. This fantastic organization also helps sheltered, and abandoned pets find a home with the great veterans that have served our country. Through great efforts, and an amazing program, Pets For Vets is providing a great way for both veterans, and animals to cope with traumatic experiences.
Companion, Healing & Loving. Bracelets For A Cause.
Blue, White, and Red PTSD Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Teal Ribbon
Teal, and Black PTSD Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Teal Ribbon
OD Green, and Tan PTSD Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Teal Ribbon
Teal, and Grey PTSD Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Teal Ribbon
Pediatric Cancer
We Support The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation.

Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. Reaching For The Cure.
The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that funds research in order to improve the care, quality of life, and survival rate of children with malignant disease. This loving organization battles each day to find a cure, and provide children with cancer the chance to live a long, and healthy life. With less than 4% of government funding going towards researching Pediatric Cancer this organization is leading the way for a cure to childhood cancer.
Compassion, Curing & Caring. Bracelets For A Cause.
Blue, White, and Emerald Pediatric Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Gold Ribbon
Gold, and Black Pediatric Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Gold Ribbon
Gold, and White Pediatric Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Gold Ribbon
Gold, and Grey Pediatric Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Gold Ribbon
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
We Support The National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society. A World Free of MS.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that provides support to anyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Therefore, funding, and researching for the cure to MS, The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a major part of the fight against MS. Due to providing the research, and resources need to live with MS, this amazing organization deserves a round of applause.
Support, Loving & Nurturing. Bracelets For A Cause.
Grey, Pink, and Black Multiple Sclerosis Support Paracord Bracelet w/ White Ribbon
White, and Black Multiple Sclerosis Support Paracord Bracelet w/ White Ribbon
Black, Navy Blue, and Red Multiple Sclerosis Support Paracord Bracelet w/ White Ribbon
Gold, and Purple Multiple Sclerosis Support Paracord Bracelet w/ White Ribbon
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
We Support First Candle.

First Candle. Survive & Thrive.
First Candle is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that has been credited with helping save more than 25,000 babies lives during the past decade, with the SIDS rate dropping nearly 60% in the United States. First Candle provides education, resources, and finances to provide support to anyone that has been effected by SIDS. Due to amazing efforts, and an incredible program, First Candle is a leading organization for SIDS support worldwide.
Life, Long & Fulfilling. Bracelets For A Cause.
Tarheel Blue, Black, & Red and Black Camouflage SIDS Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue & Pink Ribbon
Soft Pink, & White SIDS Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue & Pink Ribbon
Burgundy, and Purple SIDS Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue & Pink Ribbon
Tarheel Blue, and Grey SIDS Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue & Pink Ribbon
Prisoners Of War / Missing In Action (POW MIA)
We Support The National League of POW/MIA Families.

National League of POW/MIA Familes. You’re Not Forgotten.
The National League of POW/MIA Families is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that’s purpose is to obtain the release of all prisoners, the fullest possible accounting for the missing and repatriation of all recoverable remains of those who died serving our nation during the Vietnam War. Most of all, giving aid to families effected by the POW/MIA cause this loving organization paves the way for our missing veterans.
Remembered, Honorable & Heroic. Bracelets For A Cause.
Yellow, Tan, and Desert Sand Foliage Camouflage POW MIA Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Black Ribbon
OD Green, and Tan POW MIA Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Black Ribbon
Black, and Grey POW MIA Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Black Ribbon
Black, and White POW MIA Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Black Ribbon
Prostate Cancer
We Support The American Cancer Society.

American Cancer Society. Making A Difference.
The American Cancer Society is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization that is on a mission to cure the world of cancer. Due to providing research, funding, information, and support to families touched by cancer, The American Cancer Society is a cutting edge organization blazing a trail to the cure of cancer. Until cancer is a thing of the past, this amazing organization will be helping those who need it.
Supportive, Loving & Encouraging. Bracelets For A Cause.
White, Purple, and Black Prostate Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue Ribbon
Tarheel Blue, and Black Prostate Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue Ribbon
Tarheel Blue, and Blue Camouflage Prostate Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue Ribbon
Tarheel Blue, and White Prostate Cancer Support Paracord Bracelet w/ Tarheel Blue Ribbon